POMDELUXE Amazing Grace aka Coco was born on 15.4.2013 in our home.
She is a white female with a bit of pale creme on her back and tail. When she was born she weighted just 75 g, she was all tiny and weak, but in a couple of hours she gain her power and weight and from than on we knew she is going to be a strong little girl. She is a dream come true and more than we ever had guts to wish for. First of all she is a girl, than the colour, than the character, not to mention her great proportions, rich coat, excellent 6×6 scissor bite. She REALLY wanted to stay. Period. Her temperament is very vivid, she is the loudest of them all. A little energizer. When it comes to other dogs she is shy and watches from distance. It is safer that way. When she is scared she jumps into your lap just like a baby and gives you a kiss telling:«It is all going to be ok, right momma?«. She is so adorable! Can’t get enough of her!
We hope Coco will be our show hopeful, since she is born to pose. She posed as a pro since she was 9 weeks old. She really enjoys it. She just need to adjust to the show environment and all the dogs barking.
And how she got the name?
“Amazing Grace” is a Christian hymn with words written by the English poet and clergyman John Newton. It is one of the most recognizable songs in the English-speaking world and is without a doubt the most famous of all the folk hymns.
We interpret the lyrics our way:
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,”–> the first sound of munching the mothers milk
“That saved a wretch like me.” –> She was really a saver and a big contribute to kennel POMDELUXE
“I once was lost but now am found,” –> In life you never know on which path you may step, you just need to let it go and the right way will occur.
“Was blind, but now I see.”–> In life there are many things we don’t realize until something or someone from above gives us a clear sign!
Hereafter you can see COCO’s photo gallery and pedigree. Lot of pleasure!