We are so thrilled to wellcome our first “none white” puppy into the POMDELUXE world! It`s a girl 🙂
litter is also special for us because is the last litter of our beloved
girl Coco. You have done amazing job during all those years and
litters. Now you are in well deserved pension, girl 🙂
They say opposites attract and that is definitely true in case of sun and snow!! They match!! And if you add a bunch of pomeranian puppies..it is time to capture it in the picture to make it timeless and remembered forever!!
It was the perfect weather to capture the winter fairytale with the poms, which love the snow more than I do 🙂
On the pictures our girl Biba and her grand daughter Guardian Angel.
On 8.1.2018 we welcomed our new litter to the world.
A girl and 2 boys.
Hello, POMDELUXE Guardian Angel, POMDELUXE Generation Bitcoin and POMDELUXE Grand Prix.
Bellow you can see pedigree of litter G and pictures of their white koren granfather, Adrien of Lin Chi Tien, one of the best white poms in my opininon.